Grown From Innovation, Expertise and the Desire to Advance Patients and Customers
History – Our Milestones at a Glance
RAUMEDIC’s roots lie within the REHAU Group. Since the company's foundation in 1948 we have been developing sophisticated products in collaboration with our customers.
During that period of time we have learnt to recognize the real values. It is only through sustainable growth and an uncompromising quality philosophy towards customers and patients that consistently convincing results can be achieved.
Upon our spin-off in 2004, we established RAUMEDIC as an independent medical-technology company. With a view to sustainable growth, we can be proud of what we have achieved so far. We will always feel a great pleasure, when our achievements contribute to the recovery of patients' health, each and every day!
1948 Founding of REHAU PLASTIKS GmbH (today REHAU AG + Co.)
Founding of REHAU PLASTIKS in Rehau, Bavaria, Germany. Conventional materials are replaced by polymers.
1957 First German heart operation
In the first German heart operation with a heart-lung machine under the direction of professor Bücherl in Göttingen, our tubing was applied, which was then still produced by the REHAU AG.
1971 Registration of the RAUMEDIC® brand
1978 First automated injection molding
Development of the first noDOP formulations
Development of the first noDOP receptors as a result of a research project with the German government and the BMFT – German Ministry for Research and Technology.
Beginning of clean room production (Medicon) in REHAU
1979 Introduction of polyurethane in catheter technology
1982 Material interaction between polymers and contact media are identified.
Launch of RAUSORB with the first US patent.
1996 Acquisition of the medical-technology plant in Zwönitz, Saxony
Entry into microchip technology
2001 Installation of a quadruple micro extrusion facility
Installation of a quadruple micro extrusion facility for extruding tubing with up to 4 layers in one tube and layer thickness of ≥ 0.005mm.
2002 First two-component injection molding technology product:
catheter couplings
2004 Launch of the RAUMEDIC AG
on 1 July 2004
2005 Opening of a new plant in Helmbrechts
2007 The first microchip catheter in the world to measure pressure, temperature and oxygen in brain tissue
The catheter named RAUMEDIC Neurovent-PTO (Pressure, Temperature, Oxygen) can be used in the case of a cranio-cerebral injury, for example.
2009 First CE certified AIMD (Active Implanted Medical Device) system
With ReadP, a transdermal telemetry system, RAUMEDIC has a groundbreaking innovation: the first CE certified, active, fully implantable wireless medical product that can measure cranial pressure through the skin.
2010 CE certified drug delivery system
2011 Medica 2011
Together with the Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes (Saarland University Medical Center), RAUMEDIC wins the Medica Excellence Award for their telemetry system.
Admission of the RAUMEDIC ICP monitoring systems in the US through 510k
2013 FDA Approval
FDA approval from NEUROVENT-PTO in the USA
2014 Expansion TERBIUM
Expansion of production and office areas in Helmbrechts
2016 New US Headquarters
Production start of the new high-tech development and production center in Mills River, North Carolina.
2018 Investment of €1 million for a modern customer center at the German headquarters in Helmbrechts
2019 Development of our smart connector
Possibility to measure, collect and visualize information for tubing in different fields of application through our smart connector.
2021 New production site in Estonia
Since August 2021, the assembly company A&G from Tallinn (Estonia) also belongs to the RAUMEDIC family. With the new site we can produce in the usual RAUMEDIC quality and strengthen our competencies and capacities in the field of assembly. Made in Europe for the world!
today Become Part of the Success
We have reached our milestones, because qualified employees have implemented the innovations. If you would like to play a role in RAUMEDIC's future development, why not begin a career with us now.