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"Communication is everything in a company!" Jan Schmitz

Jan, can you tell us something about yourself and your career?

My name is Jan Schmitz, I am 25 years old and from Münchberg.
I started my dual studies (industrial clerk & business administration) at RAUMEDIC in 2015. Right from the start, I was very interested in the medical division, because the products made there really do save lives.

By working at different positions in the company, I was able to build up a large network during my studies, and I still benefit from that today. During this time, I also completed my trainer’s certificate so that I can pass on my knowledge to younger staff.

I am now a Commercial Program Manager in the Business Development division. I am responsible for the commercial aspect of the development teams serving various product segments.

I am not only the interface to many departments at RAUMEDIC, I also manage direct communication with the customer. In my second function, I am a trained agile coach.

How did you get your training as an agile coach?

I took advantage of the training offered by RAUMEDIC and my supervisors gave me their full support. As an agile coach, you learn agile project management, which I can put to good use in my field. In addition to the basic knowledge of how a project should be structured, I know which personalities and people are a good fit with which role in the project and how each team member can give their best.

What’s especially interesting: In agile projects, people often have a different way of thinking: Instead of waiting to see which tasks are assigned to them, participants ask themselves, where can I personally do my best to contribute to the success of the project?

At the end of last year, you were a guest on the podcast from Melanie Kuhlmann, an agile coach trainer at RAUMEDIC. Your topic was “The power of asking questions”. What exactly does that mean to you?

For me, asking questions is a way of life. Get to the heart of it: What? How? Why? If you don’t ask questions, you’re not informed. You have to ask questions of others in order to gain knowledge. For me as a person who plans, it’s a sign of preparation. But you can also ask others questions to help guide them to their own solution or ask yourself questions for self-reflection.

This is incredibly helpful for younger people in particular, to help them find their path in life, define goals and identify their own strengths and weaknesses – the simple rhetorical tool of a “question” can be a great support.

What inspires you?

Books are a great source of inspiration – both privately and professionally. Privately, one of my favorite books is “The Café at the Edge of the World” by John Strelecky.

For professional inspiration, especially in the area of agile working techniques, I regularly read the magazine for new work “Neue Narrative” and the book “Liberating Structures – Revolutionizing Decision Making” by Daniel Steinhöfer.

The recording of the video interview can be found on youtube

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