RauSafe™ needle safety system Reliable protection for all syringes

Worldwide, an estimated 3.5 million needlestick injuries occur yearly in doctors’ surgeries, hospitals, and the home-care sector. The consequential health or financial damage is a serious risk for those affected.

Our needle safety system RauSafe™ for pharmaceutical products reduces the risk of needlestick injuries. The simple and intuitive handling offers patients and medical staff more safety.

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Safe application

RauSafe™ is simple and intuitive to use. The safety system is activated by simply pushing it forward. The audible latching mechanism gives users the certainty that the fully enclosed needle will latch in a safe final position. RauSafe™ has proved its worth in usability studies and can be adapted to all commercially available syringe variants. For more safety and reliable protection against needlestick injuries.

Simple mode of operation

Initial state | Activation | Safe end position of the RauSafe™ system

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